Hero Infinity Token (HRI)
$HRI Contract
Buy on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?chain=mainnet&outputCurrency=0x0C4BA8e27e337C5e8eaC912D836aA8ED09e80e78
Chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0xa1dd5b8f579846364474fa6600b3b4f88f42899a
What is Hero Infinity Token ($HRI)?
The $HRI Token is the lifeblood of the Hero Infinity Platform because all economic activities on the platform are done using the $HRI Token.
There is a fixed supply of one billion tokens that will be divvied up like this:
Initial Liquidity Pool: 60%
Play & Earn Rewards: 20%
Private Sale: 10%
Ecosystem Growth: 10%
$HRI is an ERC-20 governance token with 12% buy and 12% sell transaction tax for the Hero Infinity ecosystem.
Transaction Fee
No Buy fee
Sell fee: 8% for marketing
Last updated